Marhaban, Ya Ramadhan! Es Cuing came to welcome! In entering the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims carry out fasting. You have to endure hunger and thirst for 13 hours per day. At the time of breaking the fast, various types of food participate in enlivening this month of Ramadhan. Not only food, various types of drinks are also the main attraction in Ramadhan. You can add recommendations for legendary drinks typical of Cirebon City in this article to your iftar menu list!
Es Cuing is one of Cirebon’s signature drinks. This drink that has a savory and sweet taste is a favorite menu for breaking the fast. The main ingredient of Es Cuing is the leaves of the Bai Yanang plant or commonly known as Cuing. The plant that has the Latin name Tiliancora triandra is a vine with a deep green color. People process the leaves of this plant into a gel that resembles jelly to make Cuing. While other ingredients are green porridge or the people of Cirebon call Sumsum porridge / Lemu porridge, dawet, coconut, and the last complement is coconut milk and brown sugar.
For more complete information about the ingredients, you can visit the following link:
You can serve Es Cuing using a bowl or you can also enjoy by using a plastic cup. You will feel satisfied after fasting all day because of the freshness of Es Cuing. Not only quenches thirst, but it is also filling! Merchants sell this legendary drink using carts. Merchants usually go around, and sometimes settle in one place. You can find this legendary drink typical of Cirebon in the Plered area, more precisely in Trusmi Village. In addition to this typical drink, you can also find various types of street food and other drinks there.
People nicknamed the legendary Ice Cuing not without reason. Because, this drink has a savory and sweet taste that tempts anyone to drink it. It’s a pity that this drink is a little hard to find. This is because the seller mostly goes around and few people sell it. The author hopes that in the future there will be more sellers of this typical Cirebon drink, or restaurants that can have the Es Cuing menu in their menu list. So that people do not forget this legendary drink typical of Cirebon.
You can also find out about other legendary Cirebon drinks. The author recommends Es Cendol.
Written by Aji