By Dhanu indra Prawira
History Of Goa Sunyaragi Cirebon
What is Goa Sunyaragi Cirebon ?
Goa Sunyaragi is one of the historical places in the city of Cirebon. The original name of Goa Sunyaragi is Taman Kaputren Panyepi Ing Raga. Taman Kaputren itself means the playground of the sons and daughters of the Kesultanan Cirebon. Panyepi Ing Raga means a place to meditate or be alone. Over time the name changed to Sunyiraga and became Sunyaragi. Sunya from the word Sunyi means queit. Ragi from the word raga where the word sunya means quiet and the word raga means raga. Goa Sunyaragi used to be a playground for the sons and daughters of the Kesultanan Cirebon. And also a place to meditate. The city of Cirebon had only one Kesultanan namely the Kesultanan Cirebon. The effects of Dutch colonization, Kesultanan Cirebon was divided into 3 namely Kesultanan Kasepuhan, Kesultanan Kanoman, and Kesultanan Cirebon.
Goa Sunyaragi made based on the reason that Kesultanan Cirebon that not have a place to play for they sons and daughters. Therefore they appointed two figures considered qualified. Namely Panembahan Losari and Raden Spat descended from Demak. Finally there is a agreement to make a place in the Segaran Amparan Jati area. Segaran means a large lake with teak trees around it.
This cave built by the descendants of Syekh Syarif Hidayatullah, his name is Prince Kararangen Arya Cirebon, built in 1596 – 1788 approximately 300 years. Goa Sunyaragi made from coral reefs originating from Gunung Kidul. The myth is there is help from the jin in making this Goa Sunyaragi. Because Gunung Kidul is from Yogyakarta and its manufacture is carried out in the city of Cirebon. lot of people ask how to bring the stone using what and how it is made.