Festive Muludan Culture in Cirebon

In West Java, Indonesia, Cirebon played a vital role as a center of the spread of Islam. Indonesia is a country that boasts rich cultural diversity, with each ethnic group having its own unique language, customs, beliefs, traditions, and culture that they continue to practice and preserve to this day. The city of Cirebon still upholds the Muludan tradition to this day.

The celebration of the birthday of Nabi Muhammad is a significant event in the history of Islam in the archipelago. Cirebon has a tradition called Muludan to celebrate the spread of Islam. Maulid Nabi is a tradition to commemorate the birthday of the Nabi that falls every 12 Rabiul Awal. This tradition is a form of celebration for the birthday of Nabi Muhammad SAW, expressing joy and pleasure. This tradition is one of the ways or means to spread Islam in Indonesia.

Read also : traditions in Cirebon, West Java.

The Muludan procession in Cirebon begins with a lively night market event. Every year, Kasepuhan Palace and Kanoman Palace in Cirebon usually present a muludan market for a whole month during the month of maulid. Hundreds of vendors line the streets with wooden stalls and tents. This market is perfect for children’s entertainment, as there are many types of food and games.

The highlight of the Nabi Muhammad’s birthday is Panjang Jimat. During the peak of the Nabi’s birthday, the Cirebon Palace holds a tradition called Panjang Jimat. The Panjang Jimat ceremony usually begins with the call to prayer from maghrib time until 21:00 WIB.

Therefore, the palace cooperates with local officials to provide entertainment in the form of a night market which aims to attract more visitors. One of the goals is to foster interest in local traditions and culture.

For more information about the muludan tradition in Cirebon, please refer to the following link.

Written by Vivi Indriyani

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